This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing.
This article is part of a series on how to take your embroidery to new heights.
There’s the old saying that “practice makes perfect,” but that puts a lot of pressure on practice. And, in turn, you! The best way to get better at something is to put in the time and deliberately try to improve upon what you’re doing. One way to be deliberate is to be consistent. For embroidery, that means stitching on a regular basis. But that sounds overwhelming. When? How? What? This is exactly why I like the 1 Year of Stitches project.
If you’ve read this blog lately, you have likely heard mention of 1 Year of Stitches. The premise is simple: working in the same embroidery hoop (or on the same piece of fabric), you make at least one stitch for every day of the year. It’s structured, but it also allows you the freedom to follow your creative whims.
I participated in the 1 Year of Stitches project in 2017 (my first time). I’m not trying to be hyperbolic, but it changed my life.
Why Try 1 Year of Stitches?

Daily embroidery project by The Singing Poo
Daily projects are a great way for you to hone your skills, because, let’s face it. Embroidery is like Pringles—you can’t stop just after one stitch. You’ll likely be stitching a lot more than you ever thought. (And you can start it at any time of year!)
Throughout my year of embroidery, I tried new types of stitching and explored new imagery. I also shared more of my work online, which helped me meet other creators!
I’ve written in-depth about 1 Year of Stitches—and how I’ve adapted the daily project for the year 2021. If you’re interested in trying 1 Year of Stitches, I’ve created a short email series that will get you started, from tips and tricks to embroidery inspiration. Subscribe below!