
Ladies, Painted Daily, Make Every Day Look Like a Gloriously Lazy Saturday

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

I’m a huge fan of projects that ask you to cre­ate some­thing every day. After all, you only learn and grow by doing some­thing time and again. Dur­ing the course of three months, illus­tra­tor Brun­na Man­cu­so paint­ed por­traits of women as part of a self-direct­ed #100daysproject. Com­pris­ing pat­tern flow­ers, long hair, and cats, the endeav­or result­ed in a tight­ly-craft­ed selec­tion of gor­geous ladies. Thanks to the flu­id­i­ty of the water­col­or, they have an ease about them—both styl­is­ti­cal­ly and in their atti­tude. For them, every day is a lazy Saturday.

Since com­plet­ing her #100daysproject, Brun­na is back at the dai­ly direc­tives. This time, for a year! I’ve includ­ed both projects here. Fol­low along via her Insta­gram.

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso

Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso Illustrated portrait of a woman by Brunna Mancuso


Portraits of women by Brunna Mancuso

Portraits of women by Brunna Mancuso

Portraits of women by Brunna Mancuso

Portraits of women by Brunna Mancuso