
Take a Peek At How Amazing These Embroidered Glasses Are

Embroidered glasses by Pola Laamanen

I always love to see embroi­dery that thinks beyond the hoop, and Pola Laa­ma­nen of PolaL­ab has done so with her project fea­tur­ing stitched eyeglasses.

In a project she calls The Pond, Pola has embroi­dered flow­ers on tulle stretched over cir­cu­lar met­al frames—making them wear­able (if not a lit­tle imprac­ti­cal). Each lens fea­tures water lilies on a pond, rem­i­nis­cent of paint­ings by Mon­et. Using more than embroi­dery floss, she crafts the blooms from rib­bon and bead­ing. The effect gives the glass a lit­tle glitz.

To see what Pola is cre­at­ing next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Embroidered glasses by Pola Laamanen

Embroidered glasses by Pola Laamanen

Embroidered glasses by Pola Laamanen

Embroidered glasses by Pola Laamanen