
Píccolo at Baltimore’s Artscape!



I know this blog has been very Píc­co­lo-cen­tric as of late, but I want­ed to share the fun stuff we’ve done this sum­mer. Today is the begin­ning of Artscape, Bal­ti­more’s annu­al free arts fes­ti­val, the largest in the country!

Píc­co­lo is at Artscape! If you are in Bal­ti­more and at the fes­ti­val, be sure to stop by our table. We are lucky to be on the MICA cam­pus in the Brown Cen­ter (the huge glass build­ing) with that sweet, sweet AC. We are sell­ing prints and totes from many tal­ent­ed illus­tra­tors includ­ing Tues­day Bassen, Karolin Schnoor, Michael C. Hsi­ung, Philip Dorn­bernier, Yele­na Bryk­senko­va, and more!




Come say hi!