Brown Paper Stitch

Pet Portrait Sketches That Will Eventually Become Stitches [Brown Paper Stitch Dispatch]

Drawing a Pet Portrait on an iPad Air

This article is brought to you by Brown Paper Stitch, my business that makes your wardrobe pawesome by embroidering your pets on clothing and as patches.

With the hol­i­day sea­son quick­ly approach­ing, I’ve been sketch­ing a lot of pets for soon-to-be embroi­deries. In fact, I had a marathon sketch­ing ses­sion over the past cou­ple of weeks; I was def­i­nite­ly doing that more than stitching.

But, I don’t mind. My back­ground is in illus­tra­tion, and so sketch­ing is an inte­gral part of the process. As an illus­tra­tor, the typ­i­cal work­flow is that I’d cre­ate a sketch that would then go to review from the client. (In this case, it’s the per­son who orders a pet por­trait patch.) Once I get the OK from the client, I then move on to the “final,” or the embroidery.

Digital pet portrait of a cat illustrated by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

Because I don’t have much in the way of stitch­ing to share right now (check back here in the next month!), I want to show what’s on deck. I’m real­ly excit­ed about all of these por­traits! If you’d like your own spe­cial pet por­trait, just vis­it my Etsy shop—I have com­mis­sions available.

My inten­tion in the near future is to make these types of dig­i­tal por­traits avail­able as an option for a pet por­trait (no stitch­ing). I’m still work­ing on the logis­tics of this, but stay tuned—I’ll let you know when these are a possibility.

Digital pet portraits of dogs illustrated by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

Digital pet portrait of cats illustrated by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

Digital pet portraits of dogs illustrated by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

Digital pet portrait of a cat illustrated by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch

Digital pet portraits of dogs illustrated by Sara Barnes / Brown Paper Stitch