Paper Craft

Tiny Paper Houseplants You’ll Wish Were Large Enough for Your Home

Paper houseplants by Raya Sader Bujana

Raya Sad­er Bujana crafts tiny paper house­plants that are the size of some­thing you’d find in a doll­house. She’s pre­vi­ous­ly sculpt­ed bloom­ing cac­ti that fit on the top of your fin­gers, and since then, her paper art has only grown more complex.

Using mix­ing fold­ing, weav­ing, and wrap­ping tech­niques, she has cre­at­ed a whole crew of tall indoor plants includ­ing the fid­dle­leaf fig and mon­stera deli­ciosa. If you’re famil­iar with the real ver­sions of these botan­i­cals, be pre­pared to mar­vel at all the details she’s got right.

Fol­low Raya on Insta­gram to see her work in progress.

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana

Paper plants by Raya Sader Bujana