Illustrative Food

Illustrative Cookies are Lifelike Recreations of Embroideries, Everyday Objects, and Insects

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

I have a huge sweet tooth, so any­thing that has to do with cook­ies imme­di­ate­ly piques my inter­est. Maya, aka @paintedladiespastry, cre­ates edi­ble art that does­n’t look like cookies—the pieces look like the objects she’s repli­cat­ing! From sneak­ers to back­packs to seashells to but­ter­flies, each morsel is metic­u­lous in its atten­tion to detail. Maya uses fon­dant, hand-paint­ed icing sheet cuts outs, and wafer paper to craft the real­is­tic cookies.

Embroi­dery is a reoc­cur­ring theme in Maya’s work. She reg­u­lar­ly repli­cates hoop art by artists around the world. If you fol­low con­tem­po­rary embroi­dery artists, you’re bound to rec­og­nize some of the work she’s trans­lat­ed into tasty treats.

Fol­low Maya’s work on Insta­gram.

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry

Cookie art by @paintedladiespastry