Illustrated products

Doodle Your Knitting With These Illustrative “Doodle Decks”

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

I’m not a knit­ter, but I sure admire it. But I do doo­dle, how­ev­er, and I know how sat­is­fy­ing it can be to cre­ate some­thing quick­ly. There’s also the oppor­tu­ni­ty it presents—to be inspired and remixed into a larg­er project. Jamie Lomax of Pacif­ic Knit Co. cre­ates Doo­dle Card Decks that fea­ture a vari­ety of pat­terns and designs—from botan­i­cals to Barcelona and beyond.

[Doo­dle Card Decks are] end­less cus­tomiza­tion with one pat­tern,” Jaime writes. “Use these mod­u­lar, mix-and-match motifs to design and knit the per­fect pat­tern! Knit it again and again, because you’ll nev­er get bored!

The Core Sea­son­al Doo­dle Deck con­tains 51 col­or­work charts. The Doo­dle Expan­sion pack adds 24 new charts. All are avail­able on the Pacif­ic Knit Co. web­site.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co. Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.

Knitting Doodle Deck by Pacific Knit Co.