When you’re just starting out in your career, it can be hard figuring out how to navigate your chosen field. Illustration is about more than just creating a great image; it’s also critical that you understand working with a client, marketing yourself, and much more. Having someone to help guide you in achieving your goals is often a vital part of success. Now, thanks to Mentorly, it’s easier than ever to connect with someone who can pass their wisdom along to you. It’s the first-of-its-kind mentorship platform that provides you accessible and engaging opportunities with emerging and professional artists around the world.
Mentorly is an online platform that connects artists with those eager to learn from them.

Mentorly co-founders Katherine Macnaughton and Ashley Werhun. Photo: Martin Reisch
Mentorly was founded by Ashley Werhun and Katherine Macnaughton. As two working artists, they both experienced a gap in mentorship within the arts. They found that they were far from alone; after speaking with hundreds of artists, there was a clear call to action—providing artists with direct access to those who could help them grow and propel their careers forward.
Ashley and Katherine have made it easy to start using Mentorly. After the initial sign up, you begin browsing from the available mentors, which range visual artists to writers to dancers and beyond. Once you find someone you like, request a session with that person. If you’re accepted, you’ll have a personalized meeting with them. Afterward, you can rebook a session or even try someone new.
People are using Mentorly in amazing ways; one mentee, Lisa, applied the wisdom she gained to start her own non-profit in less than a year:
Both of these admirable strong female entrepreneurs were not only inspirational in their own work, but they believed I could get there too and that was everything to me as I first started out. Seven months later I cannot believe where my organization has already gone and is about to go, and it is largely due to my Mentorly mentors pouring into me the confidence and advice I needed to hear.
Here are just some of the mentors you can speak with:
James Brown, a creative director with 17 years experience who paints, illustrates, designs, and produces his self-patented “art-chitecture”.
Meags Fitzgerald, an illustrator and graphic novelist who has worked with brands such as Burt’s Bees, T‑Mobile, and Bitch Magazine.
Ben Charles Weiner, a contemporary artist who has been exhibiting his work internationally for 15 years. “The art world can be intimidating,” he writes, “and it’s easy for aspiring artists to end up feeling lost. However, making a living as an artist is completely possible if you break this challenge into digestible pieces, which is where mentors come in.”
Erika Thomas, a publicity director and creative careers coach whose experience working global music, brands, and lifestyle clients will help you in developing your own marketing strategies.
So, what are you waiting for? You can get started on your Mentorly path today. And if you’re finding you need a little fiscal boost, they also have the Inkind Fund that “sponsors artists lacking the financial means to book a session with the mentor of their choice.” You can apply here.