Illustration Education / Sponsored

How to Boost Your Illustration Career with the Online Mentorship of Mentorly (Sponsored)

Online mentorship with Mentorly

When you’re just start­ing out in your career, it can be hard fig­ur­ing out how to nav­i­gate your cho­sen field. Illus­tra­tion is about more than just cre­at­ing a great image; it’s also crit­i­cal that you under­stand work­ing with a client, mar­ket­ing your­self, and much more. Hav­ing some­one to help guide you in achiev­ing your goals is often a vital part of suc­cess. Now, thanks to Men­tor­ly, it’s eas­i­er than ever to con­nect with some­one who can pass their wis­dom along to you. It’s the first-of-its-kind men­tor­ship plat­form that pro­vides you acces­si­ble and engag­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties with emerg­ing and pro­fes­sion­al artists around the world.

Mentorly is an online platform that connects artists with those eager to learn from them.

Online mentorship from Mentorly

Men­tor­ly co-founders Kather­ine Mac­naughton and Ash­ley Wer­hun. Pho­to: Mar­tin Reisch

Men­tor­ly was found­ed by Ash­ley Wer­hun and Kather­ine Mac­naughton. As two work­ing artists, they both expe­ri­enced a gap in men­tor­ship with­in the arts. They found that they were far from alone; after speak­ing with hun­dreds of artists, there was a clear call to action—providing artists with direct access to those who could help them grow and pro­pel their careers forward.

Ash­ley and Kather­ine have made it easy to start using Men­tor­ly. After the ini­tial sign up, you begin brows­ing from the avail­able men­tors, which range visu­al artists to writ­ers to dancers and beyond. Once you find some­one you like, request a ses­sion with that per­son. If you’re accept­ed, you’ll have a per­son­al­ized meet­ing with them. After­ward, you can rebook a ses­sion or even try some­one new.

Online mentorship with Mentorly

People are using Mentorly in amazing ways; one mentee, Lisa, applied the wisdom she gained to start her own non-profit in less than a year:

Both of these admirable strong female entre­pre­neurs were not only inspi­ra­tional in their own work, but they believed I could get there too and that was every­thing to me as I first start­ed out. Sev­en months lat­er I can­not believe where my orga­ni­za­tion has already gone and is about to go, and it is large­ly due to my Men­tor­ly men­tors pour­ing into me the con­fi­dence and advice I need­ed to hear.

Here are just some of the mentors you can speak with:

James Brown, a cre­ative direc­tor with 17 years expe­ri­ence who paints, illus­trates, designs, and pro­duces his self-patent­ed “art-chi­tec­ture”.

Meags Fitzger­ald, an illus­tra­tor and graph­ic nov­el­ist who has worked with brands such as Burt’s Bees, T‑Mobile, and Bitch Magazine.

Ben Charles Wein­er, a con­tem­po­rary artist who has been exhibit­ing his work inter­na­tion­al­ly for 15 years. “The art world can be intim­i­dat­ing,” he writes, “and it’s easy for aspir­ing artists to end up feel­ing lost. How­ev­er, mak­ing a liv­ing as an artist is com­plete­ly pos­si­ble if you break this chal­lenge into digestible pieces, which is where men­tors come in.”

Eri­ka Thomas, a pub­lic­i­ty direc­tor and cre­ative careers coach whose expe­ri­ence work­ing glob­al music, brands, and lifestyle clients will help you in devel­op­ing your own mar­ket­ing strategies.

So, what are you wait­ing for? You can get start­ed on your Men­tor­ly path today. And if you’re find­ing you need a lit­tle fis­cal boost, they also have the Inkind Fund that “spon­sors artists lack­ing the finan­cial means to book a ses­sion with the men­tor of their choice.”  You can apply here.

This post is sponsored by Mentorly, but the words and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Brown Paper Bag!
Online mentorship from Mentorly