Illustration Education

5 Illustrative Skillshare Classes You Can Enroll in Right Now

Online Art Classes

The kid­dos and col­lege stu­dents have recent­ly start­ed their school year, but if you’re not one of them, have no fear. You can jump­start your learn­ing any time with online art class­es from Skill­share. Last week, I announced a spe­cial offer of 2 free months of Skill­share Pre­mi­um—that means you can take as many class­es as you like!

I recent­ly com­plet­ed illus­tra­tor Ohn Mar Win’s Sketch­book Prac­tice class that chal­lenged me to use pen to make my paint­ings pop. While I total­ly rec­om­mend it, there are a bevy of class­es to try that are all part of the Skill­share Pre­mi­um membership.

Get the most out of Skillshare Premium! Here are 5 online art classes you can start right now:

Making Your First Zine: From Idea to Illustration by Kate Bingaman-Burt

Online Art Classes
Learn the his­to­ry behind zines and how to think of your own “empow­er­ing lit­tle piece of print.”

Illustrating Patterns: Creating Hand-Drawn Wallpaper by Julia Rothman

Online Art Classes
You can still cre­ate repeat pat­terns the ana­log way! And, best of all, it’s super fun and easy.

Hand Lettering Essentials for Beginners by Mary Kate McDevitt

Online Art Classes
This is one of Skill­share’s most pop­u­lar work­shops, and it’s easy to see why. Mary Kate demon­strates the basics of hand let­ter­ing and how to trans­form your hand­writ­ing into eye-pleas­ing drawings.

Pen and Ink Illustration: The Basics for Creating Magical Drawings by Yasmina Creates

Online Art Classes
Whether you’re an ink­ing novice or you just want to improve your skills, Yas­mi­na will show you how with a series of tech­ni­cal lessons.

Creating Art that Sells: A Working Artist’s Guide by Cat Coquillette

Online Art Classes
Print-on-demand sites like Society6 have changed the ways in which illus­tra­tors and design­ers work. Cat shares tips and strate­gies for how to gen­er­ate a con­sis­tent pas­sive income from your art.

Skillshare online art classes

Skillshare online art classes