
88 Artists ‘Look Up’ at the Same Time to Create Brilliant Portraits of One Sky

One Sky Illustrations

Women Who Draw con­tin­ues to be one of my favorite things on the inter­net. It’s an open direc­to­ry for female (and female-iden­ti­fy­ing) illus­tra­tors, and it increas­es the vis­i­bil­i­ty of women work­ing in illus­tra­tion, arts, and cartooning—with empha­sis placed illus­tra­tors of col­or, LBTQ+, and oth­er minor­i­ty groups.

That’s a long-wind­ed way of intro­duc­ing their new col­lab­o­ra­tive project that recent­ly appeared on Top­ic. Called One Sky, co-founders Wendy Mac­Naughton and Julia Roth­man gave 88 artists one sim­ple instruc­tion: look up at August 13, 2017 at exact­ly 12:00PM East­ern Stan­dard Time. The select­ed artists then drew and paint­ed what they saw.

The cho­sen artists are locat­ed around the world, from Tel Aviv to Brook­lyn to Buenos Aires. As a result, some paint­ed skies are a pic­turesque cerulean blue while oth­ers are stone gray. Many artists saw day­time fluffy clouds (and even beach bod­ies), while oth­ers could­n’t see the sun at all. So although this is the same sub­ject, one thing is clear: no two views were the same. But despite the dis­tance between them, this one bril­liant por­trait of the shared sky. At a time when the world seems so dark, we can look to it for moments of clar­i­ty like the art­works pic­tured here.

See the entire project on Top­ic.

Above [GMT‑5]: 1 Andrea D’Aquino, New York, NY 2 Aya Kake­da, Brook­lyn, NY 3 Catia Chien, Brook­lyn, NY 4 Gina Triplett, Philadel­phia, PA 5 Hay­ley Pow­ers Thorn­ton-Kennedy, Catskill Moun­tains, NY 6 Julia Roth­man, Vail’s Gate, NY 7 Leah Goren, Rock­away Beach, NY 8 Lisa Brown, Cape Cod, MA 9 Loveis Wise, West Philadel­phia, PA 10 Martha Rich, Philadel­phia, PA 11 Melin­da Beck, Brook­lyn, NY 12 Miri­am Mar­t­in­cic, Sug­ar Moun­tain, NC 13 Pene­lope Dul­laghan, Indi­anapo­lis, IN 14 Rachael Cole, Brook­lyn, NY 15 Rebec­ca Clarke, Long Island City, NY 16 Ros­alyn Yoon, Pitts­burgh, PA 17 Rumi Hara, Brook­lyn, NY 18 Saman­tha Hahn, Brooklyn​, NY 19 Sarah Neuburg­er, Pine­hurst, GA 20 Sarah Williamson, Brook­lyn, NY

One Sky Illustrations

21 Vik­ki Chu, Brook­lyn, NY 22 Vir­ginie Egger, Mon­tréal, Cana­da [GMT‑6] 23 Ali­son McDole, Stoughton, WI 24 Drue Wag­n­er, Austin, TX 25 Jen­ny Volvovs­ki, Chica­go, IL 26 Kathius­ka (Catali­na Vásquez), Medel­lín, Colom­bia 27 Katie Turn­er, Nashville, TN 28 Lau­ren Nassef, Chica­go, IL 29 Meera Lee Patel, Deer­field, IL 30 Rena­ta Galin­do, Mex­i­co City, Mex­i­co 31 Shel­by Rod­ef­fer, Chica­go, IL[GMT‑7] 32 Car­son Ellis, Mis­soula, MT 33Chelsea O’Byrne, Van­cou­ver, Cana­da 34 Eliane Mancera, Tijua­na Beach, Mex­i­co [GMT‑8] 35 Alexan­dra Bow­man, Oak­land, CA 36 Amy Hevron, Seat­tle, WA 37 Diana Toledano, San Fran­cis­co, CA 38 Esther Pearl Wat­son, Joshua Tree, CA 39 Fin Lee, Tem­ple City, CA 40 JGV, East Los Ange­les, CA

One Sky Illustrations

73 Jianan Liu, Bei­jing, Chi­na 74 Kori Song, Peng Chau, Hong Kong • [GMT+9] 75 petite maya.t, Seoul, Korea 76 Yura Osborn, Haya­ma, Japan • [GMT+10] 77 Hele­na Leslie, Gar­ran, Aus­tralia 78 Jes­si­ca Meyrick, Syd­ney, Aus­tralia 79 Sophie Beer, Bris­bane, Aus­tralia • [GMT+11] 80 Rachel Chew, Mel­bourne, Australia