
Woven Portraits Pack Playful Personalities into One-Of-A-Kind Wall Hangings

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

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Kristin Carter of Olive And The Boy cre­ates weav­ing art fea­tur­ing a col­or­ful cast of char­ac­ters. The paint­ings with yarn are of folks whose embell­ish­ments help bring them to life. Kristin weaves in thick fiber for their hair and even includes bead­ing to show­case acces­sories. With thin over-stitch­ing, she adds detail to give her peo­ple more per­son­al­i­ty; one per­son offers some seri­ous side-eye while anoth­er has a hearty laugh.

Kristin sells her work through her Olive And The Boy Etsy shop. She takes cus­tom orders for her woven por­traits. Fol­low her on Insta­gram for more! (h/t: Anna Hart Turn­er—thank you!)

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

Woven portrait by Olive and the Boy

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

Although Kristin weaves many portraits, she also has a collection of beautiful blooms. The colorful flowers, hanging from dowel rods, will transform your walls into a bouquet!

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven portrait by Olive and the BoyWoven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Woven flower art by Olive and the Boy

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

Weaving art by Olive And The Boy

Woven portrait by Olive and the Boy