
These Storybook Environments Have So Many Awesome Details They Become a Character, Too

Children's book illustrations by Olha Muzychenko

Illus­tra­tor Olha Muzy­chenko knows how to set a scene. In the images for the chil­dren’s book Domovy­chok, she paints a vari­ety of pic­tures cen­tered around a cast of char­ac­ters includ­ing a surly cat, long-haired beau­ties, and a fig­ure who looks like a troll.  The illus­tra­tions fea­tur­ing them in inte­ri­or set­tings are ripe with col­or­ful details like shelves packed with books and walls dis­play­ing a vari­ety of glues, tools, and socks. Of all the images, the one I iden­ti­fy with the most—and I think many of you will—is the har­ried per­son sit­ting at their messy desk sur­round­ed by an assort­ment of books, does, and of course, a cat. By adding these fun details to the char­ac­ter’s set­tings, Olha’s chil­dren’s book illus­tra­tions have a sec­ondary character—the envi­ron­ment themselves.

Fol­low Olha on Insta­gram to see what she’s draw­ing next!

Children's book illustrations by Olha Muzychenko

Illustration by Olha Muzychenko

Children's book illustrations by Olha Muzychenko

Children's book illustrations by Olha Muzychenko

Interior illustration by Olha Muzychenko

Illustration by Olha Muzychenko

Spooky art by Olha Muzychenko