
Occult Kokeshi Dolls are a Spooky Twist on the Traditional Japanese Gift

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Artist Hiné Mizushi­ma con­tin­u­al­ly wows me with her craft cre­ations. Com­bin­ing fiber tech­niques such as nee­dle felt­ing, cro­chet, and embroi­dery, she pro­duces fan­tas­ti­cal works that are dri­ven by strong char­ac­ter design and (/or) stories.

The Occult Kokeshi series is a twist on the kokeshi doll, a tra­di­tion­al Japan­ese toy that is often giv­en as a sym­bol of friend­ship. Hiné’s inter­pre­ta­tions are sweet yet haunt­ing felt sculp­tures. The dolls, which were orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed in 2009 but have since been “restored and improved,” fea­ture kawaii par­a­sites spew­ing ven­om and a ghost­ly kit­ty haunt­ing its owner.

Hiné is sell­ing these dolls through the Hachimise online shop in Japan. If you want one, act quick­ly: as of now, the kokeshi with the kawaii par­a­sites is the only one left.

Get spooky with Hiné Mizushima’s occult twist on the traditional kokeshi doll.

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima

Needle felted "Occult Kokeshi" doll by Hiné Mizushima