
Think Cats are Funny? These Delicate Embroideries Imagine a Whole New Silly Side

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

If you’re a cat par­ent, I don’t need to tell you just how strange kit­ties can be. With their yoga-like pos­es and fun­ny expres­sions, they make me laugh on a dai­ly basis. Artist Nyang Stitch high­lights this fact in a series of cat embroi­deries that dress them in cos­tumes or place them in hilar­i­ous­ly pre­car­i­ous sit­u­a­tions. The small hoop art boasts incred­i­ble details that include bead­ing and stump­work; they’re as tac­tile as they are amusing.

Curi­ous how they’re craft­ed? Sub­scribe to Nyang’s YouTube chan­nel to see the projects from start to fin­ish. They’re mesmerizing!

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Funny cat embroideries by Nyang Stitch

Funny cat embroideries by Nyang Stitch

Funny cat embroideries by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch

Cat embroidery by Nyang Stitch