
Calling All Crafters: Noble Crafthouse is an Artist Residency Created for You!

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Kiri­ki Press (Michelle Galletta)

One of the best parts of being an inde­pen­dent mak­er is, of course, being inde­pen­dent. You’ve got the chance to exper­i­ment and expand your busi­ness because you find that there’s some­thing lack­ing in the mar­ket. Michelle Gal­let­ta of Kiri­ki Press fame expe­ri­enced this lack­ing when she start­ed her com­pa­ny; she want­ed a place to pro­to­type her designs but could­n’t find a good spot in Toron­to to do so. Since start­ing her Kiri­ki Press, she knew that a ded­i­cat­ed stu­dio was the best place to get stuff done and be inspired. So when she came across a space in Toron­to’s Park­dale neigh­bor­hood, it was the per­fect fit.

Michelle calls the stu­dio Noble Craft­house, and it’s a place for artists, mak­ers, and more to attend work­shops and create/experiment/prototype their work in a res­i­den­cy set­ting. I spoke with Michelle about her new endeav­or. If you’re inter­est­ed in apply­ing, learn more about the res­i­den­cy below.

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Jes­si­ca Warby

What was your inspi­ra­tion for start­ing Noble Crafthouse?

When I first got the idea for Kiri­ki Press I had a real­ly hard time find­ing a stu­dio that would let me pro­to­type my designs. The few print­mak­ing stu­dios in Toron­to were either com­plete­ly pri­vate or you had to be work­ing in the vein of fine art. I end­ed up tak­ing a trip five hours north to a small stu­dio on Man­i­toulin Island, where I stayed for a week and screen print­ed my doll pat­terns for the first time! Those long, ded­i­cat­ed days in the stu­dio were so pro­duc­tive and I was com­plete­ly inspired by step­ping out of my usu­al sur­round­ings (i.e. my mom’s liv­ing room). Liv­ing right in the stu­dio was the best use of my time, so when I came across this gor­geous space ear­ly last year, I knew it was the per­fect place to cre­ate a live/work stu­dio and hope­ful­ly meet artists and mak­ers from all over the world!

Who are some of the artists you’ve hosted?

I launched the res­i­den­cy pro­gram just this past fall and my first res­i­dent, Jes­si­ca War­by, hailed all the way from the UK! Jess was here for 6 weeks and while she nor­mal­ly works with machine embroi­dery, she divid­ed her time at the stu­dio between rug hook­ing and illus­trat­ing auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal dai­ly comics. In Feb­ru­ary, we were hap­py to wel­come local favorite, Ness Lee, for a month to work on huge paint­ings, ink draw­ings, and ceram­ics for her upcom­ing solo exhibition.

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Ness Less

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

What are some of the things that artists can expect at Noble Crafthouse?

The stu­dio has a full-screen print­ing set­up for paper or tex­tile works. There is a table-top loom for weav­ing, Oxford punch nee­dles, a pin-back but­ton mak­er, dif­fer­ent sizes of embroi­dery hoops, and quilt­ing and tapes­try frames. My back­ground is in print­mak­ing and book arts, so there is also a small etch­ing press, book press, and block print­ing tools. Since many mak­ers are also small-busi­ness own­ers, there is a DSLR, light­ing kit and tri­pod avail­able for prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy. We are right around the cor­ner from art sup­ply stores and the work­room so you have tons of mate­ri­als right at your fingertips.

What are your goals for artists who attend?

I want mak­ers and artists who come here to feel like they can be cre­ative, with­out any con­straints. This is an inclu­sive space and no project is too small or com­mer­cial, which is a road­block I often find when look­ing for res­i­den­cy oppor­tu­ni­ties. Res­i­dents are encour­aged to explore new medi­ums, for instance, there is a weaver com­ing here this sum­mer who wants to incor­po­rate screen print­ing into her woven designs so we’ll find the best way to go about doing that.

The stu­dio can accom­mo­date up to 20 peo­ple for a work­shop, so if you have a skill you’d like to teach this is def­i­nite­ly an option dur­ing your stay.

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Kiri­ki Press workshop

What is a typ­i­cal res­i­den­cy day like?

A day gen­er­al­ly con­sists of wak­ing up in the ‘sleep­ing nook’ (our tiny, but cozy, bed­room), mak­ing some cof­fee and eat­ing a lit­tle some­thing at the break­fast bar before get­ting to work! Or head­ing out and explor­ing the city before com­ing back and let­ting the new­ly inspired ideas take form. The stu­dio is tucked away on qui­et Noble Street, but it’s just steps away from the bus­tle of Queen Street West, where you’ll find gal­leries, restau­rants, fab­ric shops and nightlife. Toron­to is full of hid­den gems, gor­geous parks, and com­plete­ly diverse neigh­bor­hoods, so I high­ly rec­om­mend tak­ing the time to explore.

What hap­pens dur­ing the experience?

The res­i­den­cy is self-direct­ed so the artist/maker choos­es how to spend their time, whether that means com­ing up with a new busi­ness plan, screen print­ing t‑shirts, paint­ing, mak­ing zines, enjoy­ing the city or qui­et­ly work­ing away on a cross-stitch. There is tech­ni­cal assis­tance avail­able if some­one wants to learn a new skill or needs a refresh­er. The stu­dio is home to a few dif­fer­ent hand­made shops, so there are always cre­ative activ­i­ties going on. I run my embroi­dery kit busi­ness, Kiri­ki Press, out of here and share the space with Fion­na Han­na and Hap­py Quilts Co. I feel very for­tu­nate to be run­ning my busi­ness as a full-time endeav­or and am always hap­py to share my expe­ri­ences and skills any way I can.

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Who should apply for the res­i­den­cy at Noble Crafthouse?

Design­ers, needle­work­ers, painters, illus­tra­tors, print­mak­ers, fiber artists, Etsy shop own­ers! Basi­cal­ly, any­one who wants to ded­i­cate qual­i­ty time to their art or craft and be cre­ative in a big, bright stu­dio. You’ll be liv­ing in a pri­vate bed­room in the stu­dio for the dura­tion of the res­i­den­cy and have 24-hour access, so it is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to make some­thing with­out interruption.

Inter­est­ed in apply­ing? Do it here.

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

Noble Crafthouse, an artist residency in Toronto

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