Craft / Illustrated products

Pretend You’re in a Wintery Fairy Tale When You Wear These Knitted Animal Scarves

Animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

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I don’t know about where you live, but it is cold in Min­neapo­lis. As I write this, it is ‑9° Fahren­heit with a wind­chill of ‑28°! Win­ter gear might be essen­tial for you, but that just gives you more oppor­tu­ni­ties to cre­ative­ly acces­sorize your out­door wardrobe. Nina Fuehrer has you cov­ered with her charm­ing scarves inspired by birds and wild animals.

Each knit­ted piece has the abil­i­ty to attach onto itself, and the crea­tures’ mouths or beaks serve as the clip. This allows the scarf to stay in place how­ev­er you choose to wear it, but I per­son­al­ly like how they are styled with the ani­mal’s head next to the wear­er. It mim­ics a fairy tale where a friend­ly crea­ture sits on your shoulder.

Nina’s ani­mal scarf col­lec­tion is now avail­able in her Etsy shop. If you’re a knit­ter, there are many of the pieces pre­pared as pat­terns for imme­di­ate down­load.

Animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarf by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarves by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarves by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarves by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarves by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarves by Nina Fuehrer

Knitted animal scarves by Nina Fuehrer