
Nicole Gastonguay Crochets Everyday Objects and Makes Them Totally Adorable

nicole gastonguay

It’s a fact that goo­gly eyes make every­thing bet­ter. So, when those things are cro­cheted ver­sions of the real objects? Infi­nite­ly cool­er. Nicole Gas­tonguay is graph­ic design­er and fiber artist who repli­cates every­day things using yarn. Polaroids, pick­les, and even boom box­es are impres­sive­ly pro­duced in a hap­py and engag­ing way thanks to their large eyes and sweet smile (or even frown).

Gas­tonguay’s sub­ject mat­ter and the col­or choice in yarn make her work feel vin­tage, as if you’d find it in an antique mall. It has an air of nos­tal­gia about it.

(Via Art is a Way)

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