Collage / Sketchbooks

Nelleke Verhoeff is Bringing a New Cut Paper Character to Life Every Day in 2019

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

When it comes to try­ing some­thing new, art-wise, I’m firm­ly in the camp that if you want to exper­i­ment with a tech­nique or expand part of your stu­dio then you should just do it. Don’t wait around for the per­fect moment; it will nev­er come. Instead, take it upon your­self to delve into what inter­ests you! Nelleke Ver­ho­eff, aka Red Cheeks Fac­to­ry, has done so with her #2019yearofthecollage.

I would love to exper­i­ment more with this tech­nique this year,” Nelleke writes in her first post on Jan­u­ary 1, 2019. Since that time, she has shared her dai­ly paper col­lage cre­ations from her sketch­book. Nelleke uses hand-paint­ed pieces of paper and bold, angu­lar shapes to com­pose her char­ac­ters and scenes. It’s a depar­ture from her more pol­ished illus­tra­tions, and I like see­ing the raw cre­ativ­i­ty as well as the free­dom that a sketch­book brings.

Fol­low Nelleke’s year of col­lage through her Insta­gram.

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff

Collage sketchbook by Nelleke Verhoeff