Ceramics / Illustration

Small Ceramic Spoons with Big Personalities by Nayanai


For some rea­son, I’m real­ly par­tic­u­lar about the spoons that I like to use. They can’t be too large or small (I don’t want to feel like I’m hold­ing a uten­sil made for a baby), and it’s best if they are beau­ti­ful, too. With those stip­u­la­tions in mind, I’d total­ly use these ceram­ic spoons by French illus­tra­tor Nayanai. They have per­son­al­i­ties all their own! Sur­prised, pen­sive, and goofy — they run the gamut.

nayanai8nayanainayanai7 nayanai5 nayanai4 nayanai3 nayanai2 She also makes ceram­ic bowls, too:

nayanai10 nayanai1 nayanai11

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