
Colorful Hoop Art is Infused with the Influence of Traditional-Style Tattoos

Contemporary plant embroidery

Inspired by tat­toos, artist Natal­ie Sedgewick trans­lates this influ­ence into her embroi­dered hoop art. The eye-catch­ing designs fea­ture a smat­ter­ing of sub­jects craft­ed in bold hues. They are rem­i­nis­cent of tra­di­tion­al-style body art; one exam­ple is the way she stitch­es flow­ers. The blooms are sim­i­lar to man­dalas that have petals radi­at­ing from the cen­ter and leaves to off­set them. Addi­tion­al­ly, the wrap-around ban­ners and serif typog­ra­phy are often found in tra­di­tion­al tattoos.

Although Natal­ie infus­es her work with an old school tat­too aes­thet­ic, there are ele­ments of her hand embroi­dery you’d nev­er find inked on the body—she incor­po­rates bead­ing and sequins for an extra bit of flair and daz­zling texture.

Natal­ie shares her embroi­dery inspired by tat­toos on Insta­gram.

Embroidery hoop art by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery hoop art by Natalie Sedgewick

Contemporary plant embroidery

Embroidery hoop art by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery inspired by tattoos by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery hoop art by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery inspired by tattoos by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery inspired by tattoos by Natalie Sedgewick

Embroidery inspired by tattoos by Natalie Sedgewick