
These Contemporary Weavings are Inspired by the (Super) Natural World

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Artist Natal­ie Novak, aka Combed Thun­der, cre­ates weav­ings that are influ­enced by tech­niques both ancient and con­tem­po­rary. In her wall hang­ings and framed pieces, she explores “col­or, mythol­o­gy, sym­bol­ism, and the (super) nat­ur­al world.” Styl­ized depic­tions of eyes, snakes, and hands are punc­tu­at­ed with earth tones accent­ed by vibrant hues. In some pieces, the weav­ing dou­bles as an illus­tra­tion as it is a vehi­cle for storytelling.

Natal­ie sells her work through her online shop. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak

Contemporary weaving by Natalie Novak