
Colorful Mixed Media Illustrations Tied Together Using Humor


Natal­ie K. Nel­son is an Atlanta-based illus­tra­tor who isn’t afraid to switch up her choic­es in media. Depend­ing on the project, she uses pen, ink, paint, and pho­tographs, some­times com­bin­ing them all into her col­or­ful com­po­si­tions. It’s not always easy to to work this way. With so many tools at your dis­pos­al, things can look dis­joint­ed. Not Natal­ie’s illus­tra­tions, though! They look effort­less with all of the ele­ments liv­ing har­mo­nious­ly on the page and/or screen. Humor and joy are the com­mon con­cept thread that ties all of her pieces together.

Natalie K. Nelson Natalie K. Nelson NKN7marching-in_smallNKN10 NKN2 NKN8 NKN1 NKN9After get­ting in touch with Natal­ie about her work, I found out that she was col­lab­o­rat­ing with my pals Lau­ra and Tom of the Jol­ly Edi­tion! Natal­ie cre­at­ed this Bal­ti­more-cen­tric image for them.
