
These Contemporary Quilt Jackets are a Stylish Way to Stay Cozy Beyond Your Bed

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

There are few things cozi­er than wrap­ping your­self up in a blan­ket. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this look does­n’t trans­late past the walls of your home. But that’s okay—Natal­ie Ebaugh has a styl­ish solu­tion for it. She cre­ates quilt jack­ets that com­bine an eclec­tic mix of col­ors and pat­terns in kimono-style sil­hou­ettes and vests.

Each quilt­ed coat is one a kind and takes shape through an intu­itive process. To begin, Natal­ie choos­es the fab­rics she’ll work with, and she uses a mix­ture of improv and tra­di­tion­al piec­ing styles that form the sur­face pat­terns. From there, she will use her handy work as a bolt of fab­ric and cut the jack­et pat­tern from it. The gar­ment is then assem­bled. All told, it takes 15 to 20 hours to com­plete each quilt jack­et, but the effort is worth it for some­thing so special.

You can buy Natal­ie’s quilt­ed pieces through her online shop. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt jackets by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt coat by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt jackets by Natalie EbaughQuilt jacket by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt jacket by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt jackets by Natalie Ebaugh

Quilt jacket by Natalie Ebaugh