Paper Craft

Build Your Own Paper Sculptures With These All-Inclusive Craft Kits

Paper craft DIY kit

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I am enchant­ed by cut paper sculp­tures kept under glass domes. Not only does the dome look great, but it is a prac­ti­cal way to keep a 3D art­work safe. Silv­ina De Vita, aka My Paper­cut For­est, cre­ates paper­craft that lives under these coverings—some of which you can build your­self. But no mat­ter if you choose ready-made or DIY, each of Silv­ina’s pieces a charm­ing ele­ment to it, whether it’s a green­house with plants grow­ing out of its roof or a boat brav­ing rough seas.

The kits have every­thing you need to con­struct the sculp­ture. This includes instruc­tions and the paper as well as a craft knife, extra blades, and even a self-heal­ing mat (super handy). But if you already have these sup­plies, you can also pur­chase the craft kit with­out them for a reduced cost.

Check out the My Paper­cut For­est Etsy shop for more.

Want to try papercraft? These all-inclusive kits from My Papercut Forest have everything you need to get started.

Paper craft DIY kit

Paper craft DIY kit

Paper craft DIY kit

Paper craft DIY kit

Paper craft DIY kit

If you’d prefer to buy than DIY, there’s that option, too:

3D Paper Sculptures

3D Paper Sculptures