
Monica Rohan Explores Self Portraiture Through Obscurity

Monica Rohan

Artist Mon­i­ca Rohan com­bines ele­ments of real­ism and fan­ta­sy to cre­ate works that are as beau­ti­ful as they are allur­ing. They’re inspired by a “rur­al-idyll of a child­hood in South East Queens­land” and 19th cen­tu­ry nov­els. Each con­tem­plates the genre of auto­bi­og­ra­phy, using this form of mys­te­ri­ous self por­trai­ture to do so. Here, the fig­ures’ faces are obscured by col­or­ful blooms, tall grass, and pat­terned fab­rics. Though they’re par­tial­ly ground­ed in some sort of space, the area around the sub­jects is emp­ty, giv­ing us the feel­ing that these peo­ple are float­ing in some sort of abyss.

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Monica Rohan

Paintings by Monica Rohan

Paintings by Monica Rohan