
Monica Ramos Makes Me Excited for Fun in the Sun


I don’t know about you, but I am very hap­py about the warmer temps. With a harsh win­ter, I’m excit­ed to be buy­ing short-sleeve shirts and look­ing for a new pair of black san­dals. You know what else I’m look­ing for­ward to? Swim­ming! And, with Mon­i­ca Ramos’ fun-in-the-sun illus­tra­tions, it makes me even more eager to get in the water.

These two trip­tychs con­vey dif­fer­ent types of aqua adven­tures. One looks a lit­tle dan­ger­ous (bathing with a tiger!) and anoth­er that’s the quin­tes­sen­tial crowd­ed beach scene. Which would you rather have? I’m par­tial to tigers, and they look pret­ty friendly…

monica ramos

monica ramos

monica ramos


