
Old Books Find a New Life with Molly Egan’s Vibrant Illustrations

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

If you’re itch­ing for a new sketch­book, look no fur­ther than that an old (unwant­ed) book on your shelf. Its pages are beg­ging to be upcy­cled into col­or­ful works of art. A fan­tas­tic exam­ple of this is illus­tra­tor Mol­ly Egan who show­cas­es the pos­si­bil­i­ties with her fun and vibrant imagery. Spread after spread is filled with amus­ing char­ac­ters, hand let­ter­ing, and bold shapes. And because these pages are already print­ed on, there’s less pres­sure to make each of them per­fect. This book has already had a full life—Molly is giv­ing it a new one.

Mol­ly chron­i­cles her work on Insta­gram and sells a selec­tion of it in her online shop.

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook

Molly Egan upcycled sketchbook