
MINNA’s Weavings with Plenty of Texture and Fringe

Minna - Weaving on Loom

Con­tin­u­ing the trend of tex­tiles this week, we have the weav­ings of  MINNA, AKA Sara Berks. She weaves var­i­ous types of fibers on a loom to cre­ate wall hang­ings and art objects.

MIN­NA’s work is very tac­tile, using fringe and a vari­ety of yarns. It begs to be touched, espe­cial­ly when she incor­po­rates fringe with­in the body of the weave. I could see these works exist­ing not only as wall hang­ings, but as a table run­ner, made in to pil­lows, and more. They would also be inter­est­ing on a larg­er scale, too, where she could explore more of pat­tern-mak­ing and mate­r­i­al in a total­ly dif­fer­ent way. How does scale change things when it comes MIN­NA’s sensibilities?

All images via her web­site.

Minna - Weaving on Loom Minna - Weaving on Loom Minna - Weaving on Loom Minna - Weaving on Loom Minna - Weaving on Loom