
Quirky Ceramic Characters are Pencil Drawings Come to Life

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Illus­tra­tor Mile­na (Milo) Hachim has a pen­chant for quirky char­ac­ter design that is best expressed in three-dimen­sion­al forms. Her fig­ures are read­ers, dream­ers, and bas­ket­ball play­ers. Each piece has the delight­ful wonk­i­ness that comes from being craft­ed by hand. Milo leans even more into this aes­thet­ic by using a sur­face tech­nique that’s akin to a pen­cil draw­ing. The results are playful—just like what her ceram­ic char­ac­ters are doing and wearing.

I’m an avid col­lec­tor of ceram­ics, so I am eager­ly await­ing the moment when she sells them online. In the mean­time, I’ll con­tin­ue to mar­vel at them on her Insta­gram.

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim

Ceramic characters by Milo Hachim