
Who Needs a Repeat Pattern Silk Scarf? Not MNCQVQ!


Prov­ing that you don’t have to design silk scarves using only repeat­ing pat­terns, Mil­leneuf­cen­tqua­trevingtqua­tre (AKA MNCQVQ) has craft­ed these beau­ti­ful pieces that fea­ture a con­ven­tion­al sub­ject mat­ter — still lifes. The com­pa­ny is com­prised of two French women named Amélie Char­roin and Marie Col­in-Madan. They draw and paint col­or­ful scenes that are lat­er print­ed onto the fab­ric. We see pot­ted plants, blan­kets, plas­tic bags, and much more of the every­day in their gar­ments. And, they’re far from bor­ing. Instead, the mix­ture of col­ors and tex­tures make them look great whether they’re worn or even dis­played as a work of art. They’re rem­i­nis­cent of paint­ings by Jonas Wood or Anna Valdez.

You can pur­chase one of MNC­QVQ’s pieces in their shop.

PS — I first post­ed about this on Pic­ture Par­ty, a Tum­blog that I run with my good pal Lisa Per­rin. Fol­low us to see a bunch of fun, illus­trat­ed prod­ucts from around the web.


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