
Together, Appliqué and Embroidery Offer a Contemporary Spin on Classic Tales

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Artist Mika Hirasa uses cloth as if it were paint and stitch­es as brush­strokes in nar­ra­tive hand appliqué embroi­dery. Her work is often focused on fables and clas­sic sto­ries like Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood, and the time-hon­ored craft tech­niques pair well with the icon­ic tales.

The cho­sen sto­ries pro­vide an entry point into Mika’s work, but it’s her artis­tic approach­es that keep me study­ing every inch of the images. The fine details, par­tic­u­lar­ly the stitch­es, demon­strate the pow­er­ful visu­al com­bi­na­tion when paired with fab­ric; her dec­o­ra­tive details add anoth­er inter­pre­tive lay­er to the story—making some­thing that’s been told count­less times feel inti­mate and like her own.

Combining hand appliqué and embroidery, Mika Hirasa illustrates fables and other fantastical tales.

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa

Hand appliqué embroidery by Mika Hirasa