
Michelle Summers’ Nebulous of Gingerly-Drawn Designs

michelle summers

Michelle Sum­mers is a ceram­ic artist liv­ing in Min­neapo­lis, Min­neso­ta. She dab­bles in dif­fer­ent artis­tic media like paint­ing, draw­ing, and jew­el­ry, and you can def­i­nite­ly see the influ­ence in these phys­i­cal objects. The mul­ti-lay­ered designs fea­ture gin­ger­ly-drawn por­traits of peo­ple and birds, in addi­tion to non-rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al shapes. Each piece feels like a neb­u­lous or stream of con­scious­ness; it reminds me of all of the things that I see every­day and how their mem­o­ry floats in and out of my mind at any giv­en time.

Michelle has an Etsy shop (although at the time of this writ­ing it’s tak­ing a lit­tle break) and a blog. Vis­it them both!

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