
Intricate Landscape Paintings Highlight the Wild Beauty of the Natural World

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Michelle Morin paints idyl­lic land­scape art that will ignite your sense of wan­der­lust. Her works, devoid of peo­ple, show­case the beau­ty of the wild. Bunch­es of bram­bles, tall grass­es, and fields of flow­ers rule her com­po­si­tions and cre­ate intri­cate rela­tion­ships between col­or and form.

My paint­ings are an attempt at find­ing a bal­ance with­in the com­plex­i­ties and sub­tleties of nature using tex­ture, pat­tern, and nar­ra­tive ele­ments through­out,” she explains. “Through my trav­els, I con­tin­ue to seek out inspi­ra­tion from the nat­ur­al world while hon­ing in on the unique details that define each place.”

Michelle sells prints of her land­scapes on Etsy. For prints and sur­face design, she has cre­at­ed Home of Dodo, which focus­es on ani­mals and plants in a repeat pat­tern format.

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin

Landscape art by MIchelle Morin