
The “World’s Smallest Portfolio” Fits on the Tip of Your Finger

michael lester
When you’re try­ing to pro­mote your­self, you often have to fig­ure out how to “cut through the noise,” and do something/have that’ll make you stand out above the rest.  Illus­tra­tor Michael Lester cer­tain­ly accom­plished this with his unfor­get­table “world’s small­est port­fo­lio.” It’s so small that the entire thing can fit on the tip of your finger!

Michael’s project was cre­at­ed as part of a brief set by jel­ly Lon­don for the D&AD New Blood Fes­ti­val. They want­ed to get stu­dents putting them­selves out there and get­ting their worked noticed.

When com­ing up with this play­ful con­cept, Michael con­sid­ered what was it about his work that he want­ed peo­ple to talk about. He tells jel­ly Lon­don, “For me, ideas have always come before style, so to com­mu­ni­cate that I was an ideas-dri­ven visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tor I decid­ed to shrink my port­fo­lio, in size and con­tent, leav­ing just a tiny book of visu­al ideas.”

michael lester
michael lester