
Scurry Past These Gigantic Florals by Melissa Castrillon

Melissa Castrillon

This illus­tra­tion (above) by Melis­sa Cas­tril­lon is one that I’ve admired for a long time. I love the min­i­mal­ist use of col­or and all of the delight­ful things that are hid­den with­in the com­po­si­tion. It isn’t just about this big, cas­tle-like house. There are small crea­tures romp­ing around the over­sized flow­ers and trees.

These busy land­scapes are a recur­ring theme in Melis­sa’s work. Below, you’ll see oth­er sim­i­lar­ly-col­ored com­po­si­tions and tiny lines. Much of it is screen print­ed with traces of off­set pig­ments visible

Some of these images are avail­able as prints in Melis­sa’s online shop. She also has ceram­ics for sale, too!

Melissa Castrillon Melissa Castrillon melissa-castrillon-3 melissa-castrillon-1 melissa-castrillon-2 melissa-castrillon-9 melissa-castrillon-7 melissa-castrillon-6