
Soft Sculptures by Mega Felt Let the Food Do the Talking

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Felt is one of my favorite fab­rics to work with. Because of the way in which its fibers are fused togeth­er, it’s firmer than cot­ton and won’t fray. This makes it great for plush sculpt­ing. Need any proof? Just take a look at Mega Felt.

Sarah of Mega Felt cre­ates one-of-a-kind plush sculp­tures fea­tur­ing burg­ers and ice cream. Each ele­ment, from the bun to the scoop, has a face with a dif­fer­ent emo­tion. Some are mis­chie­vous while oth­ers are just plain happy.

You get to select the mood of your burg­er or cone. Through her online shop, you pick every ele­ment of the soft sculp­ture. Want a frown­ing ice cream scoop with a smil­ing cher­ry on top? Done! Want a dou­ble pat­ty burg­er with one wink­ing and the oth­er stick­ing its tongue out? Com­ing right up! The cus­tomiza­tion is ingenious.

Build your own Mega Burg­er or Mega Cone from the Mega Felt online shop. Every­thing is made to order and takes about two weeks, shipped from Aus­tralia. Fol­low Sarah on Insta­gram to see what she’s cook­ing up next.

Sarah of Mega Felt creates one-of-a-kind plush sculptures featuring burgers and ice cream.

Food sculpture by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Each element, from the bun to the scoop, has a face with a different emotion. Some are mischievous while others are just plain happy.

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Through her online shop, you pick every element of the soft sculpture.

Food sculpture by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Want a winking ice cream scoop with a smiling cherry on top? Done!

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Personality-packed felt food sculptures by Mega Felt

Food sculpture by Mega Felt

Food sculpture by Mega Felt