
Maurizio Anzeri Embroiders Masks Over Photographs

maurizio anzeri

Mau­r­izio Anz­eri isn’t the first to embroi­der on pho­tog­ra­phy and he won’t be the last, but I’ve always enjoyed his work. The thread acts as a bizarre mask that takes the pho­tographs from ordi­nary por­traits to sur­re­al and sub­ver­sive places. My favorite moments are when he gath­ers up the up the thread into some­thing akin to a nest. It’s expres­sive and makes some­thing that’s so cal­cu­lat­ed feel real­ly spontaneous.

And, from a tech­ni­cal stand­point: As some­one who embroi­dered for years on paper, the fact that his work looks so clean (no major gap­ing holes) is real­ly impres­sive. Kudos to you, Mau­r­izio, you have bet­ter crafts­man­ship than me!  (Via I need a guide)

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