Illustration / Painting

The Differences Between Marianna Sztyma’s Paintings and Illustrations

marianna sztyma

Mar­i­an­na Szty­ma is a Pol­ish artist and illus­tra­tor who cre­ates beau­ti­ful images in both and col­lage. Here, I’ve fea­tured many of her paint­ings, but take note of her mixed media works, too. They both are tied togeth­er in their use of soft, dry-brush/air­brush shad­ing and pen­chant for pat­tern and the female figure.

I have the feel­ing that illus­tra­tion is Szty­ma’s pri­ma­ry way of work­ing, and that her paint­ings are a sec­ondary way that she express­es her­self. Artists, illus­tra­tors, and gen­er­al cre­ative peo­ple: do you have some­thing like this? Anoth­er media you work in to break up the monot­o­ny of work­ing in one way or style? Let me know on Face­book!

PS: These paint­ings came from her Flickr!

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