Illustration / Paper Craft

Charming Cut Paper Characters Inhabit Colorful Three-Dimensional Worlds

Cut paper art by Malin Koort

Illus­tra­tor Malin Koort crafts tiny three-dimen­sion­al worlds from cut paper and doc­u­ments them with clever light­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy. The charm­ing scenes fea­ture car­toon­ish peo­ple and crea­tures as they move through the good, bad and the in-betweens of life. In each piece, Malin uses a shal­low depth of field to spot­light the main char­ac­ters while also pro­duc­ing the illu­sion that they are in a much larg­er space.

Malin appre­ci­ates the sub­tle changes that can make a big dif­fer­ence in her paper cut art. “I like that so much can hap­pen with the mood and every­thing else just by chang­ing the light and focus when you’re pho­tograph­ing,” she tells Bibelot. “You can move around the dif­fer­ent objects in the illus­tra­tion, and in that way tell a dif­fer­ent story.”

Work­ing this way, how­ev­er, is not with­out its strug­gles. “The most chal­leng­ing part is that it’s quite time-con­sum­ing and there­fore not real­ly opti­mal when making—for exam­ple mag­a­zine illus­tra­tions,” she says. “But I love work­ing with all dif­fer­ent aspects of it, from draw­ing the sketch­es to build­ing the images, light­ing and pho­tograph­ing. So I wouldn’t want it any oth­er way!”

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Cut paper art by Malin Koort

Cut paper art by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Cut paper art by Malin Koort

Cut paper art by Malin Koort

Cut paper art by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort

Paper cut illustration by Malin Koort