Paper Craft

Charming Cut Paper Characters Live in 2D and 3D Worlds


Illus­tra­tor Malin Koort cre­ates charm­ing char­ac­ters out of cut paper. Her work fea­tures ele­ments of 2D and 3D design—most notably, she’ll fold paper and casts its shad­ows onto the com­po­si­tion. This pro­duces the illu­sion that they’re real­ly sit­ting. Sur­face patterns—on cloth­ing, in hair, etc—are oth­er­wise drawn onto the fig­ures. Cou­pled with bright col­ors, these two approach­es give her work a fresh and play­ful feel with the best of both flat and tac­tile worlds.

Malin sells select­ed works on Society6. I’m par­tial to her iPhone cas­es!

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort

Malin Koort