
These Charming Ceramics are the Grown-Up Version of Putting Googly Eyes on Everything

Ceramic face planters with googly eyes

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You are nev­er too old to enjoy some goo­gly eyes, and Maì proves it. Found­ed by a cre­ative lady named Marzia, her brand fea­tures, among oth­er things, ceram­ics adorned with large peep­ers rem­i­nis­cent of the crafty wig­gly eyes you know and love. Marzia pairs these eyes with tiny mouths and bright col­ors for a whim­si­cal twist on home decor items as well as things you’ll use on a dai­ly basis.

You can buy these goo­gly eye ceram­ics in the Maì shop—but not for a lit­tle while. Marzia is relo­cat­ing to Tokyo and has closed her online store in prepa­ra­tion for that move. Fol­low them on Insta­gram to see when they open again.

Face planters

Face planters

Face planters

Face planters

Ceramic fish plates

Face planters

Face planters

Ceramic face planters with googly eyes

Googly eye ceramics

Quirky ceramic tea pot

Googly eye ceramics

Googly eye ceramics

Googly eye ceramic

Googly eye ceramics

Quirky ceramic mug

Googly eye ceramics

Ceramic face planters with googly eyes

Quirky ceramics with faces

Ceramic face planters with googly eyes

Quirky ceramic face pot

Ceramic face planters with googly eyes

Ceramic face planters with googly eyes

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