
Want to Brighten Your Everyday? Sip From These Charming Ceramic Cups!

Handmade ceramic cup

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Start­ing my morn­ing with a hand­made ceram­ic mug is one of my great joys. The artistry and charm of these hand­craft­ed ves­sels offer an easy way to bright­en your day.  The Mag­ic Shop, run by hus­band and wife team Mary and Shel­by Ulibar­ri, cre­ates tum­bler-style cups and cof­fee mugs fea­tur­ing styl­ized flo­rals, hands, rain­bows, and more. You can’t be upset when drink­ing from them! (Okay, you can, but it’s much harder.)

Using stoneware clay, The Mag­ic Shop slip-casts their cre­ation and then sand it before and after fir­ings to ensure a smooth fin­ish. Illus­tra­tions are paint­ed on the clay sur­face and masked off as the cup is dipped in a glossy glaze. After that, it is fired again (to 2,165 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Mag­ic Shop sells their work on Etsy. They are work­ing to restock their mugs, and you can fol­low them on Insta­gram for updates.

Handmade ceramic cup

Handmade ceramic cup

Handmade ceramic cup

Handmade ceramic cup

Handmade ceramic cup

Handmade ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic mug

Handmade ceramic mug

Handmade ceramic mug

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Illustrated ceramic cup

Ceramic cup