
Grandiose Landscapes to Offer You a Moment of Zen

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

We all have our own ways of achiev­ing ~zen~, and for me, it’s wit­ness­ing the beau­ty of grandiose nat­ur­al land­scapes. The vast, seem­ing­ly nev­er-end­ing hori­zon reminds me of just how big the world is, dwarf­ing what­ev­er wor­ries occu­py my brain. Mag­gie Chi­ang cap­tures this feel­ing with exquis­ite snap­shots of open spaces. Inky and drawn tex­tures mim­ic desert scenes, rapid waters, and gray skies. In every image, the Earth looks mag­nif­i­cent and makes me want to find the near­est hik­ing trail!

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang

Illustration by Maggie Chiang
