
Madeline Kloepper Explores the Relationships We Forge with Nature

Madeline Kloepper

Illus­tra­tor Made­line Kloep­per explores the rela­tion­ships we forge with nature through her gor­geous and allur­ing paint­ings. The works have ele­ments of sur­re­al­ism as drag­ons, danc­ing bears, and larg­er-than-life birds all make an appearance.

I real­ly enjoy Made­line’s more detailed com­po­si­tions, specif­i­cal­ly the ones fea­tur­ing a quilt­ed blan­ket fort and clothes line. The heav­i­ly-pat­terned tex­tiles tell us a lot, like  char­ac­ters’ per­son­al­i­ty and their aes­thet­ic pref­er­ences. In addi­tion, we under­stand more about the char­ac­ters in how they inter­act with these objects. Here, it com­mu­ni­cates a rev­er­ence for sim­pler times that are away from screens and stress­es of every­day life.

Fol­low Made­line on Tum­blr, too! (H/T Per­rin)
Madeline KloepperMadeline KloepperMadeline Kloepper
