
Embroideries and Appliqué Breathe New Life Into Vintage Clothing

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

One of my favorite aspects of cus­tom embroi­dery is how it can make every­day items sud­den­ly pre­cious. (It’s part of the rea­son I start­ed my embroi­dery busi­ness, Brown Paper Stitch.) Illus­tra­tor and tex­tile artist Madeleine Kem­s­ley is doing this with vin­tage items. Tak­ing waist­coats, work­wear jack­ets, and more, she adds embroi­dery and appliqué designs to the gar­ments. The suns, flo­ra, and fau­na breathe new life into these pieces and give them a con­tem­po­rary point of view while still main­tain­ing a folk-art-esque appeal that is a cor­ner­stone of Madeleine’s style.

In addi­tion to wear­ables, Madeleine stitch­es on wall hang­ings and pil­lows. A selec­tion of her work is avail­able in her online shop. To see what she’s up to next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Illustrator and textile artist Madeleine Kemsley adds embroidery and appliqué designs to vintage garments, breathing new life into them.

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Suddenly, a waistcoat has a new point of view.

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley

Embroidery on clothing by Madeleine Kemsley