Embroidery / Sculpture

There’s a New Grocer Coming to NYC, and It’s All Made of Felt

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

In 2014, Lucy Spar­row filled an aban­doned cor­ner shop in Lon­don’s East End with 4,000 hand-sewn groceries—think canned beans, packs of gum, and magazines—in a site spe­cif­ic fiber instal­la­tion. A smash­ing suc­cess, she’s bring­ing this cal­iber of exhi­bi­tion to New York City and using Kick­starter to help fund it.

Lucy’s project—a TBA loca­tion (prob­a­bly) in Manhattan—is slat­ed to open in the sum­mer of 2017. It will be called Eight Till Late, and it’ll be dou­ble the size of her Lon­don shop: 8,000 items that include a hot counter sell­ing the likes of piz­za slices and hot dogs. I’m most excit­ed, how­ev­er, by the slushy machine—Lucy plans to fill it with beads! In addi­tion, peo­ple will be able to buy felt fruits and veg­gies akin to going to an actu­al gro­cery store.

There’s cur­rent­ly a Kick­starter cam­paign hap­pen­ing to pay for half of the pro­duc­tion costs, and it’s well on its way. Check it out and pick your­self up a pack of gum while you’re at it. (via The Guardian, H/T Lisa)

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Here’s how Lucy’s Lon­don exhi­bi­tion looked (via The Guardian):

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods

Lucy Sparrow felt foods
