
Playful Clay Cats are Adding a Bit of Illustrated Puurfection To Your Everyday

Ceramic cat plate by Livia Coloji

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Illus­trat­ed objects bright­en our lives. Whether they are pure­ly dec­o­ra­tive or serve a pur­pose, many things are made bet­ter with the addi­tion of an illus­tra­tor’s touch. Livia Colo­ji has an entire Etsy shop ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing the every­day more fun.

Livia cre­at­ed a series of clay cats that take the form of plates, ceram­ic fig­urines, and brooches. Drawn with a sly smile and in a vari­ety of pat­terns, these crea­tures are per­fect for the cat lady or man in your life. I’m most fond of the plates; they mea­sure near­ly five inch­es long and are meant as a plat­ter for fruits, air plants, and beyond.  (Because I’m a huge fan of Stafford­shire dogs, I was elat­ed to see that Livia makes them, too. Scroll down for those.)

Adopt one—or more—of these clay cats in Livi­a’s Etsy shop.

Ceramic cat plate by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat figurine by Livia Coloji

Ceramic brooches by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat brooch by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat figurines by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat figurines by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat figurines by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cats by Livia Coloji


Livia creates Staffordshire dog plates, too!

Staffordshire dog plate by Livia Coloji

Staffordshire dog plate by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat brooch by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cat brooch by Livia Coloji

Ceramic cats by Livia Coloji

Ceramic animal plates by Livia Coloji

Staffordshire dog plate by Livia Coloji