Collage / Illustration

Lively Digital Collages are Channeling 20th-Century Aesthetics

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Inspired by the sur­re­al­ists and mid-cen­tu­ry chil­dren’s books, illus­tra­tor Mar­tin Haake cre­ates col­lages bustling with life. The styl­ized com­po­si­tions uti­lize a bevy of tex­tures, includ­ing the writ­ten word and care­free brush strokes. While they might class, Mar­tin mas­ter­ful­ly places the dis­parate ele­ments togeth­er so they sing in har­mo­ny. In doing this, he lets the con­tent of the images do the talk­ing. They fea­ture scenes that you’ve got to care­ful­ly study to ful­ly appre­ci­ate. There’s a lot going on beyond the fore­ground that makes them a com­pelling look.

Mar­tin is on Insta­gram. Fol­low him there to keep up-to-date on his work.

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake

Digital collage illustration by Martin Haake