
Lisa Smirnova Recreates ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ with Embroidery

'Where the Wild Things Are' embroidery by Lisa Smirnova

Anoth­er day, anoth­er spec­tac­u­lar embroi­dery! This time, I’m switch­ing gears from abstract hoop art to stitched por­trai­ture. Lisa Smirno­va is an artist whose tex­tiles are no stranger to this blog. She’s recent­ly released a fan­tas­tic trib­ute to the Mau­rice Sendak’s clas­sic sto­ry, Where the Wild Things Are, depict­ing Max in his mag­nif­i­cent cos­tume.  Like Max’s ensem­ble, Lisa’s piece is mesmerizing—a mix­ture of paint, quilt­ing, and Impres­sion­ist-style stitch­ing. Enjoy the details, ya’ll.

'Where the Wild Things Are' embroidery by Lisa Smirnova

'Where the Wild Things Are' embroidery by Lisa Smirnova

'Where the Wild Things Are' embroidery by Lisa Smirnova

'Where the Wild Things Are' embroidery by Lisa Smirnova

'Where the Wild Things Are' embroidery by Lisa Smirnova